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2017 Medicare And You Handbook

2017 Medicare And You Handbook

Welcome to Medicare & You 2017. Since the health care law was passed more than 6 years ago, we’ve seen a transformation in this nation’s health care. We’ve covered 20 million more Americans, while providing higher-quality care at reduced costs. And now, the Quality Payment Program, the result of a bipartisan bill passed last year, builds on these improvements. This program helps make sure Medicare doctors are rewarded for providing improved care to you, instead of being paid based on the number of services they...
Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning

Many employers are implementing 401(k) matching programs again. In recent years, matching was greatly reduced or eliminated in most businesses. While many are reinstating their matching programs, there are many who still have not started yet. In addition to this, some employers are matching at a lower percentage rate. Research shows that about 75 percent of employers that stopped matching have restored their plans. From this group, about 75 percent have implemented matching plans at the same rate they used before. Less than 5 percent increased their rate. Almost 25 percent lowered their percentage rate. It’s apparent that many employers want to reinstate their plans only when they can afford to do so. Since their ability to reinstate is dependent upon the economy, it’s difficult to predict when that will happen for each individual company. It’s no surprise that defined contribution plans that lack matching offers have a considerably lower rate of participation than plans that offer matching. This is likely the root of the many problems employers will face in the future when their older employees retire without saving enough money in an efficient and timely manner. Research shows recent workforce statistics suggesting that approximately 40 percent of working Americans are 55 or older. This is a significant increase from the statistics gathered 20 years ago. When this recent statistic is considered from a financial point of view, it shows that older workers are likely to be less engaged in their work and are more expensive in general. Many of them may be staying at their jobs because they have to do so in order to collect retirement...
4 Good Reasons to Write an Ethical Will

4 Good Reasons to Write an Ethical Will

In today’s world, most people are aware of the importance of a will. This document expresses a person’s wishes regarding personal property and money. Living wills have also gained popularity. They are used for expressing a person’s wishes if he or she becomes unable to make decisions for medical treatment and life-sustaining measures. However, there is another important type of will to add to the priority list: An ethical will. This type of will is not a legal document. It is a letter or informal document expressing personal values, hopes, future dreams, life experiences and blessings. The letter is shared with family members or friends while the creator is still alive. Although this idea may not sound as important at first thought, consider the following reasons to create one: It provides a way to impart wisdom. Most people find the task of writing a memoir too extensive. Editing, publishing and paying all the necessary bills associated with such a project requires plenty of time and money. An ethical will is a simple and inexpensive way to convey such important ideas. To reach a larger audience, the will can be shared at a special party, a family gathering or any other occasion. It is a very healthy exercise. Writing about life may have a positive health impact for some people. When individuals have the chance to explore their capabilities, desires and memories, they have a way to relieve stress or cope with life’s problems. Some people may even find that this positive task helps them sleep better. It draws a moral road map. Past reflections are not the only element...
Early Retirement – Health Insurance

Early Retirement – Health Insurance

Well, you’ve finally reached the big day. You’re employer is throwing you a big retirement party, and then you’re going to go fishing every day. Or play bingo. Or travel. Retirement is supposed to be a joyful occasion – the start of the rest of your life. All too often, it brings its own set of problems and concerns, not the least of which is health insurance. Early retirement in particular, before age 65, when you become eligible for Medicare, can present some interesting challenges in the area of health insurance coverage. It’s a fact of life: as we age, things start to go wrong with our health. Just at the time in life when you’ll probably need more insurance benefits, you’ll find the options are limited. Some things you need to consider before making the decision for early retirement: If your employer offers retirement benefits for health insurance, are you sure the company will be around for a long period of time? What if they go out of business and don’t pay your health insurance premiums? What if your employer doesn’t offer retiree health insurance? What if you can’t afford to pay the premiums for an individual plan? Early retirees have four choices when it comes to health insurance: Use your employer-paid health insurance Purchase an individual health insurance policy Continue coverage under COBRA Go without health insurance coverage Use your employer-paid health insurance – The first thing you need to find out is if your employer offers this benefit. Is it part of your benefits package? And if it is, check out the coverage very carefully; many...
Car insurance: Affordable Auto Insurance Premiums

Car insurance: Affordable Auto Insurance Premiums

Many people may not have the questioning mind when they find a cheaper deal. Obviously affordable auto insurance premiums are regularly available on the market from various insurers. There could be many good reasons behind undercutting competitors. Essentially companies will have to offer better rates when they are keen to take a larger share in the market. Most consumers are usually reluctant to move away from a provider they are comfortable with. In fact, there may not even be a good reason for sticking with a particular firm other than being used to it. Regularly we see examples of companies starting an aggressive campaign. This usually follows a significant change in the way they do or think about business. It is possible that the new approach may come with serious job, cost and service cuts. Recently this has been the way for many companies due to the availability of the internet in providing services and quotes. Some companies used the technology better than others and let the customers complete most of the forms online. It is only fair to offer cheaper rates to customers as a result of these cost savings. That is why many companies can offer cheap car insurance quotes to online applicants. Probably most people may not realize, but motorists remain with an insurer a few years after they sign up. Many smart companies look at the returns from a new policyholder within this period. So it would be alright to offer a lower rate to attract the business even it means that they lose money for the first year. They will make it up pretty...
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MedicareHelp.org is a privately-owned Non-governmental agency. The government website can be found at HealthCare.gov.

Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options. Enrollment depends on the plan’s contract renewal.

Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system.