2023 Medicare Part-D Drug Cost for Fiasp

There are 12 Medicare Part-D Plans with additional prescription drug coverage for Fiasp available to residents in Florida. The average retail unit cost (e.g. per pill) for a 30-day supply at in-area retail pharmacies is $39.84 ($1,195.35). Fiasp is typically listed as a Tier 3 drug on the formulary and does not require prior authorization.

Below is the average retail cost and your co-pay for Fiasp in Florida. You can also see if each plan requires prior authorization, step therapy or has drug quantity limits. Please check the formulary for different brand and generic drug names. Every Medicare Part-D plan will vary in coverage, co-pays, costs and premiums. This chart can help you sort through different plan details to find the best Florida Part-D Plan with the best coverage and the cheapest prices for your medications in Florida.

Proprietary Name:Fiasp
Generic Name:Insulin Aspart Injection
Drug Package:5 Syringe, Plastic In 1 Carton > 3 Ml In 1 Syringe, Plastic
Drug Strength:100[iU]/mL
Substance:Insulin Aspart
Dosage Form:Injection, Solution
Labeler:Novo Nordisk
Pen Name:Human Prescription Drug
Days Supply:30
Coverage Phase:Initial Coverage
Plan Year:2023

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Medicare Part-D Prescription Drug Coverage for Fiasp in Florida

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Name ⇅
Wellcare Classic

3 $30 $42 $30 / N N $39.89
Wellcare Value Script

3 $44 $47 $44 / N N $39.89
Wellcare Medicare Rx Value Plus

3 $47 $47 $47 / N N $39.89
SilverScript Choice

3 17% 17% 17% / N N $40.23
SilverScript Plus

3 $47 $47 $47 / N N $40.23
SilverScript SmartSaver

3 25% 25% 25% / N N $40.20
Humana Basic Rx Plan

3 19% 25% 19% / N N $40.31
Humana Premier Rx Plan

3 $45 $47 $45 / N N $40.31
Humana Walmart Value Rx Plan

3 15% 22% 15% / N N $40.31
Clear Spring Health Value Rx

3 $42 $47 $42 / N N $40.24
Clear Spring Health Premier Rx

3 $42 $47 $42 / N N $38.46
Elixir RxSecure

3 15% 18% 15% / N N $38.18

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Do any Part-D Plans Cover Fiasp/Fiasp? Yes, 12 Medicare Part-D plans cover this drug in Florida.

How much does Fiasp/Fiasp Cost? $39.84, the average retail cost in Florida is $39.84 per unit or $1,195.35 for a 30-day supply at in-area pharmacies.

What Tier is Fiasp/Fiasp? Tier 3, most Part-D Plans list Fiasp on Tier 3 on their formulary. Usually, the higher the tier, the more you have to pay for the medication.

Do I need Prior Authorization for Fiasp? No, the majority of Medicare Prescription plans do not require prior authorization from your doctor for Fiasp/Fiasp.

Additional Notes by Medicare Help:

Most plans have 4 levels of coverage. The exception is the $0 Deductible Plans.
1.Pre-Deductable: Before you reach the plans deductible. Some plans offer select Pre-deductible drug Coverage
2.Initial Coverage: (ICL) After you reach the plans deductible but before the Initial Coverage limit.
3.Coverage Gap: (AKA Donut Hole) After you reach the plans ICL but before the Catastrophic of $7550 in 2022.
4.Catastrophic: Anything over $7550 you will receive a significant increase in coverage.

Formulary Definitions:

Tier Level: Medicare drug plans place drugs into different "tiers" on their formularies. Drugs in each tier have a different cost. A drug in a lower tier will generally cost you less.
Cost Preferred: Your Cost for the Drug at the Providers In Network Preferred Pharmacy. As a Percent of the total drug cost or a flat rate.
Cost Non Preferred: Your Cost for the Prescription Drug at a Non-Preferred Pharmacy. As a Percent of the total drug cost or a flat rate.
Cost Mail: Your Cost for Prescription Drugs through a Mail Order Pharmacy. As a Percent of the total drug cost or a flat rate.
Quantity Limit Amount/Days: Certain drugs have a Quantity Limit. That means the plan will only cover the drug up to a designated quantity or amount. If your prescribing doctor feels it is necessary to exceed the set limit, he or she must get prior approval before the higher quantity will be covered.
Prior Authorization: Certain Drugs require you or your doctor to get prior authorization in order to be covered. Usually just an additional form. If you dont get approval, the plan may not cover the drug.
Step Therapy: Means you must first try one drug to treat your medical condition before the plan will cover another drug for the same condition. If you have already tried other drugs or your doctor thinks they are not right for you, you and your doctor can ask the plan to cover this drug.
Avg Unit Cost: Average unit cost (e.g. per pill) for specified days supply at in-area retail pharmacies. A pharmacy is considered in-area when it is geographically located in the service area.

What if a drug I need is not listed?

Please check the formulary for different brand and generic names. If you still cannot locate your drugs, your plan may not offer coverage. Talk to your doctor first about changing your prescription to a drug on your plans formulary. If this is not an option, you can request an exception to have the plan review its coverage decision based on your individual circumstances.

Last updated on
Source:CMS Formulary Data Q4 2022
Source:NDC Directory by FDA.gov

**We make every attempt to keep our information accurate. But please check with the plan providers to verify all information.

      Site Search:

MedicareHelp.org is a privately-owned Non-governmental agency. The government website can be found at HealthCare.gov.

Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options. Enrollment depends on the plan’s contract renewal.

Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system.