Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications

This page shows each states average cost of "Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications" compared to other hopitals across all fifty states. This guide will give a basic idea of the disparity in the cost of medicare for many common hospital procedures.

ProcedureProvider StateTotal DischargesHospital Charge(s)Medicare Payment(s)Your Cost
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Alabama 458 $37568 $9920 $27648
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Arkansas 168 $29425 $9794 $19631
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Arizona 373 $49488 $12531 $36957
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
California 1608 $76730 $15378 $61352
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Colorado 274 $50596 $10659 $39937
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Connecticut 396 $40379 $14364 $26015
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
DC 85 $53372 $14899 $38473
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Delaware 61 $35298 $14458 $20840
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Florida 1340 $48058 $11711 $36347
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Georgia 455 $39055 $11691 $27364
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Hawaii 16 $27335 $14614 $12721
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Iowa 233 $27088 $10023 $17065
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Idaho 48 $27007 $11557 $15450
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Illinois 1459 $39278 $11533 $27745
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Indiana 581 $31639 $10997 $20642
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Kansas 151 $34808 $10286 $24522
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Kentucky 328 $31589 $11153 $20436
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Louisiana 346 $46309 $11344 $34965
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Massachusetts 432 $27080 $13292 $13788
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Maryland 465 $20187 $19018 $1169
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Maine 175 $25600 $11094 $14506
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Michigan 1225 $27446 $12070 $15376
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Minnesota 349 $32498 $14282 $18216
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Missouri 658 $36716 $10442 $26274
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Mississippi 263 $35069 $9969 $25100
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Montana 14 $20014 $10308 $9706
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
North-Carolina 1002 $25965 $11967 $13998
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
North-Dakota 90 $23245 $11112 $12133
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Nebraska 90 $33146 $10622 $22524
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
New-Hampshire 75 $35619 $13680 $21939
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
New-Jersey 862 $75684 $12573 $63111
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
New-Mexico 39 $28825 $15805 $13020
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Nevada 51 $73156 $14778 $58378
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
New-York 1131 $46733 $15628 $31105
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Ohio 937 $35193 $11177 $24016
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Oklahoma 268 $39584 $10963 $28621
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Oregon 209 $25440 $10895 $14545
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Pennsylvania 1151 $50723 $12029 $38694
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Rhode-Island 65 $37225 $13291 $23934
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
South-Carolina 333 $38758 $11331 $27427
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
South-Dakota 30 $34404 $12246 $22158
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Tennessee 626 $33389 $10628 $22761
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Texas 1258 $51571 $12137 $39434
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Utah 97 $24982 $10924 $14058
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Virginia 722 $34114 $11409 $22705
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Vermont 20 $22232 $14300 $7932
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Washington 476 $35707 $12689 $23018
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
Wisconsin 452 $36399 $13437 $22962
Other Kidney And Urinary Tract Diagnoses With Major Complications
West-Virginia 140 $20884 $9994 $10890

Source: CMS

As part of the Obama administration’s goal to make our healthcare more accountable, transparent and affordable the CMS.gov has released data from more then 3000 hospitals that receive payments for the 100 highest frequently billed charges under Medicare. For more information visit CMS.gov.

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MedicareHelp.org is a privately-owned Non-governmental agency. The government website can be found at HealthCare.gov.

Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options. Enrollment depends on the plan’s contract renewal.

Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system.