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Compare Litchfield County Connecticut
Medicare Advantage Plans

A Medicare Advantage Plan in Litchfield County, CT can provide additional benefits above and beyond Original Medicare. There are 35 Medicare Advantage Plans (Part-C) available in Litchfield County from 7 different health insurance providers to compare in 2023. 29 of these Medicare Advantage Plans offer additional gap coverage to help avoid the “donut hole”. The plan with the lowest out-of-pocket expense is $3400 and the highest out-of-pocket is $7550. Litchfield County Connecticut qualifying beneficiaries can also pick from 15 Medicare Special Needs Plans. The highest rated Medicare Advantage Plan in Litchfield County Connecticut received a 4 overall star rating from CMS.

Most Popular Plans by Enrollment in Litchfield County, Connecticut

Plan Name Plan ID Marketing Name Monthly
Aetna Medicare Elite Plan (PPO)
Aetna Medicare $0 30121
AARP Medicare Advantage Choice (PPO)
UnitedHealthcare $0 25751
UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage Plan 3 (HMO-POS)
UnitedHealthcare $0 21056
UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage Plan 2 (HMO-POS)
UnitedHealthcare $25.00 17928
AARP Medicare Advantage Choice (Regional PPO)
UnitedHealthcare $53.00 16578

2023 Medicare Advantage Plans in Litchfield County, CT

(Click the Plan Name for More Details)
(⇅ Click the Header to Sort)

Name ⇅ Monthly
Deductible MOOP Gap 2023 Plan
Wellcare No Premium Open (PPO)

$0 $250.00 $6,500 Yes
Wellcare No Premium (HMO)

$0 $250.00 $7,550 Yes
Wellcare Giveback Open (PPO)

$0 $395.00 $7,550 Yes
Wellcare Assist Open (PPO)

$12.10 $505.00 $6,700 No
Wellcare Assist (HMO)

$12.90 $505.00 $6,000 No
UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage Plan 3 (HMO-POS)

$0 $0 $6,700 Yes
UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage Plan 2 (HMO-POS)

$25.00 $0 $6,000 Yes
UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage Plan 1 (HMO-POS)

$84.00 $0 $4,700 Yes
ConnectiCare Passage Plan 1 (HMO)

$0 $150.00 $7,550 Yes
ConnectiCare Flex Plan 3 (HMO-POS)

$46.00 $300.00 $5,500 Yes
ConnectiCare Flex Plan 2 (HMO-POS)

$131.00 $300.00 $6,000 Yes
ConnectiCare Flex Plan 1 (HMO-POS)

$232.00 $300.00 $5,300 Yes
ConnectiCare Choice Plan 3 (HMO)

$0 $0 $7,550 Yes
ConnectiCare Choice Plan 1 (HMO)

$176.00 $300.00 $3,400 Yes
Cigna True Choice Savings Medicare (PPO)

$0 $0 $7,250 Yes
Cigna True Choice Plus Medicare (PPO)

$24.00 $0 $5,900 Yes
Cigna True Choice Medicare (PPO)

$0 $0 $6,200 Yes
CarePartners of CT CareAdvantage Prime (HMO)

$39.00 $0 $4,900 Yes
CarePartners of CT CareAdvantage Preferred (HMO)

$0 $0 $4,900 Yes
CarePartners Access (PPO)

$0 $0 $4,900 YesNA
Anthem MediBlue Select (HMO)

$0 $275.00 $7,300 Yes
Anthem MediBlue Plus (HMO)

$36.00 $380.00 $6,700 Yes
Anthem MediBlue Extra (HMO)

$28.10 $505.00 $6,700 No
Anthem MediBlue Access Select (PPO)

$0 $95.00 $7,550 Yes
Aetna Medicare Value Plan (HMO-POS)

$27.00 $0 $6,700 Yes
Aetna Medicare Explorer Premier Plan (PPO)

$87.00 $250.00 $6,700 Yes
Aetna Medicare Essential Elite Plan (PPO)

$0 $0 $6,700 Yes
Aetna Medicare Elite Plan (PPO)

$0 $0 $6,700 Yes
Aetna Medicare Elite Plan (HMO)

$0 $0 $7,550 Yes
AARP Medicare Advantage Choice Flex (PPO)

$0 $0 $6,700 Yes
AARP Medicare Advantage Choice (Regional PPO)

$53.00 $295.00 $7,550 Yes
AARP Medicare Advantage Choice (PPO)

$0 $0 $6,700 Yes

Connecticut Part-C Plans Without Drug Coverage

Plan Name ⇅ Premium Type MOOP 2023 Plan
UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage Patriot (HMO-POS)

$0 LocalHMO* $6,000
ConnectiCare Choice Plan 2 (HMO)

$0 LocalHMO* $6,000
Aetna Medicare Eagle Plan (PPO)

$0 LocalPPO* $5,900

Medicare Special Needs Plans in Litchfield County Connecticut

Plan Name ⇅ Monthly
Part D
 Gap  Special
2023 Plan
Wellcare Dual Liberty (HMO D-SNP)
   $27.10 $505.00  No Dual-Eligible
Wellcare Dual Access Open (PPO D-SNP)
   $19.90 $505.00  No Dual-Eligible
Wellcare Dual Access (HMO D-SNP)
   $29.00 $505.00  No Dual-Eligible
UnitedHealthcare Nursing Home Plan (PPO I-SNP)
   $35.30 $505.00  No Institutional
UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete Balance (PPO D-SNP)
   $35.40 $505.00  No Dual-Eligible
UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete (PPO D-SNP)
   $36.30 $505.00  No Dual-Eligible
ConnectiCare Choice Dual Vista (HMO D-SNP)
   $36.30 $505.00  No Dual-Eligible
ConnectiCare Choice Dual Basic (HMO D-SNP)
   $36.30 $505.00  No Dual-Eligible
ConnectiCare Choice Dual (HMO D-SNP)
   $36.30 $505.00  No Dual-Eligible
Cigna TotalCare Select Plus (HMO D-SNP)
   $27.90 $505.00  No Dual-EligibleToo New
Anthem MediBlue ESRD Care (HMO-POS C-SNP)
   $11.60 $310.00  No Chronic or Disabling Condition
Anthem MediBlue Dual Advantage Select (HMO D-SNP)
   $24.50 $505.00  No Dual-Eligible
Anthem MediBlue Dual Advantage (HMO D-SNP)
   $25.10 $505.00  No Dual-Eligible
Anthem MediBlue Dual Access (PPO D-SNP)
   $25.30 $505.00  No Dual-Eligible
Aetna Medicare Assure Plan (HMO-POS D-SNP)
   $19.60 $505.00  No Dual-Eligible

Types of MA Plan in CT

HMO - Health Maintenance Organization. A Health Maintenance Organization manages your Part A and Part B health insurance benefits. In most cases you need to choose a primary care doctor. Health Maintenance Organization's offers services through a network of contracted hospitals, doctors and other providers, and the plan pays the providers directly. You generally must receive all Healthcare from the plan providers or through referrals from the plan provider. Emergency care, and out-of-area urgent care is still covered. An HMO-POS plan allows you to get some services out-of-network.

PPO - Preferred Provider Organization. A Preferred Provider Organization offers a network of doctors, hospitals, and other providers you can choose from. Because providers are preferred, you can save money by using in network providers or usually pay a higher cost to use out-of-network providers. A primary care doctor is not required.

PFFS - Private Fee For Service. A Private Fee For Service plan allows you greater flexibility in choosing a Connecticut provider. You may obtain covered services from any Medicare eligible provider who is willing to accept the plan's terms. The Healthcare provider must agree to accept the plan's terms before each visit. Some of these plans have a network of approved providers that have agreed to treat plan members.

SNP - Special Needs Plan. A Special Needs Plan is for individuals who receive Medicare and Medicaid, have specific severe or disabling chronic conditions or reside in a licensed nursing home or skilled facility. SNP plans must provide prescription drug coverage to Litchfield County Connecticut residents.

Cost - Cost Plan. A cost plan doesn't replace your Original Medicare. It offers additional benefits to Original Medicare. If the cost plan doesn't include prescription drug coverage, you can enroll in a Part-D plan separately.

Can I get help in the coverage gap in Litchfield County, CT?

Yes. 29 Medicare Advantage Plans in Litchfield County offer additional gap coverage. Once in the coverage gap, you’ll pay no more than 25% of the cost for brand-name and generic prescription drugs. If you choose a drug plan that includes coverage in the gap, you may get a discount applied to the drug's price.

Are there Medicare Advantage Plans in Litchfield County, CT?

There are 35 Medicare Advantage Plans available in Litchfield County, Connecticut from 7 different health insurance providers. These plans offer additional benefits that aren't available through Original Medicare. Medicare beneficiaries who are interested in a Part-C policy may choose among many plans to compare versus Middlesex County Medicare Advantage Plans.

How much is a Medicare Plan in Litchfield County, CT?

Individuals who are interested in a Medicare Advantage Plan in Connecticut may choose among many cost options depending on your necessary benefits. The lowest plan premium is $0 and the highest premium is $232. The deductibles in Litchfield County range from $0-$505. The plan with the lowest out-of-pocket (MOOP) expense is $3400 and the highest out-of-pocket is $7550.

Things to consider when choosing a MA Plan in Litchfield

  • Are you eligible for a Medicare Advantage Plan?

  • How much are the premiums, deductibles, and other costs?

  • Is there a yearly limit on what you could pay out-of-pocket?

  • Does the plan cover your prescription drugs?

  • Will you hit the prescription drug coverage gap?

  • Is your pharmacy in the plan’s network?

  • Will your prescription drugs require prior authorization?

  • How well does the plan cover the services you need like vision, hearing, or dental?

  • Are your doctors in-network?

  • Will you need to be referred to see a specialist?

  • Does the plan cover services from out-of-network providers?

  • How does the plan compare to your current coverage?

  • Do you want to juggle multiple Medicare plans?

Special Needs Plan in Litchfield County Explained

C-SNP - Chronic Condition SNP. These plans help individuals receive customized care to fit their unique health care needs. You may qualify for C-SNP if you have one or more specific severe or disabling chronic conditions like:

  • Stroke
  • Certain neurologic disorders
  • Certain chronic and disabling mental health conditions
  • Certain chronic lung disorders
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
  • End-stage liver disease
  • Certain severe hematologic disorders
  • Chronic alcohol and other drug dependence
  • Certain cardiovascular disorders
  • Cancer
  • Chronic heart failure
  • Certain autoimmune disorders
  • Dementia

I-SNP - Institutional SNP. These plans require 90 days or longer stay in a facility, or are expected to need the level of services provided in a long-term care (LTC) skilled nursing facility (SNF), a LTC nursing facility (NF), an intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities, or an inpatient psychiatric facility.

D-SNP - Dual Eligible SNP. Connecticut Medicare and Medicaid enrollees who have limited income and resources may get help paying for their premiums and out-of-pocket medical expenses from Medicaid. Eligibility is based on a percentage of Federal Poverty Levels.

When to sign up for a Connecticut Medicare Advantage Plan?

Below mentioned are the types of the enrollment period, along with the instructions on what to do during this period:

Initial Enrollment Period (IEP). This period starts 3 months prior to the month you will turn 65. It ends after 3 months you have turned 65. At this stage, you can sign up for a Connecticut Medicare Advantage Plan.

Annual Enrollment Period (AEP). Also known as the Open Enrollment Period, it starts on the 15th of October and ends on the 7th of December. At this stage, you can either sign up for the plan, switch or leave your current plan.

Special Enrollment Period (SEP). This enrollment period depends on the personal circumstances of the beneficiaries, like if you move or lose insurance coverage. Check to determine if you qualify to modify your plan.

Open Enrollment Period. Jan 1 – Mar 31. If you’re enrolled in a Connecticut Medicare Advantage Plan, you can switch to a different Medicare Part-C Plan in Litchfield County, CT or switch to Original Medicare once during this time.

5-star Special Enrollment Period. Dec 8 - Nov 30. If a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) 5-star plan is available in your area you can switch to the 5-star plan once during this period.

Check for CMS Star Ratings

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) assesses the quality of medical services of Medicare Advantage Plan using a 5-star rating system. A report is released yearly for the public to assess the quality of healthcare services. Thus, if you are searching for the highest Medicare Advantage Plan in your state, research the CMS ratings and costs of the plans report for further information.

Can I get a Medicare Advantage Plans in Litchfield County, CT?

Yes. There are 35 Medicare Advantage Plans available in Litchfield County, Connecticut from 7 different health insurance providers. These plans offer additional benefits that aren't available through Original Medicare.

How much is a Medicare Plan in Litchfield County, Connecticut?

Connecticut residents who are interested in a Medicare Advantage Plan may choose among many cost options depending on your necessary benefits. The lowest plan premium is $0 and the highest premium is $232. The deductibles in Litchfield County range from $0-$505

Can I get help in the coverage gap in Litchfield County, CT?

Yes. 29 Medicare Advantage Plans in Litchfield County offer additional gap coverage. Once in the coverage gap, you’ll pay no more than 25% of the cost for brand-name and generic prescription drugs. If you choose a drug plan that includes coverage in the gap, you may get a discount applied to the drug's price.

What is the most popular plan in Litchfield, CT?

The most popular plan by enrollment in Litchfield is the Aetna Medicare Elite Plan (PPO) with 30121 enrollment.

Source: CMS. Data as of Oct 1, 2022.
Plans are subject to change as contracts are finalized.
Includes 2023 approved contracts. Employer sponsored 800 series and plans under sanction are excluded. For 2023, enhanced alternative may offer additional cost sharing reductions in the gap on a sub-set of the formulary drugs, beyond the standard Part-D benefit.

Last updated on

      Site Search:

MedicareHelp.org is a privately-owned Non-governmental agency. The government website can be found at HealthCare.gov.

Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options. Enrollment depends on the plan’s contract renewal.

Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system.