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The 2023 Medicare Advantage Plans in Collier County FL.

2022 Collier County Florida
Medicare Advantage Plans

There are 35 Medicare Advantage Plans available in Collier County FL from 9 different health insurance providers. 23 of these Medicare Advantage plans offer additional gap coverage. The plan with the lowest out of pocket expense is $1700 and the highest out of pocket is $7550. Collier County Florida residents can also pick from 21 Medicare Special Needs Plans. The best Medicare Advantage plan in Collier County Florida received a 5 overall star rating from CMS and the lowest rated plan is 3 stars.

(Click the Plan Name for More Details)
(⇅ Click the Header to Sort)

Name ⇅ Premium Deductible MOOP Gap Plan
AARP Medicare Advantage Choice (PPO)

AARP Medicare Advantage Choice Plan 2 (Regional PPO)

AARP Medicare Advantage Plan 2 (HMO)

Aetna Medicare Premier (PPO)

Aetna Medicare Premier Plus (PPO)

Aetna Medicare Select (HMO)

BlueMedicare Choice (Regional PPO)

BlueMedicare Classic (HMO)

BlueMedicare Premier (HMO)

BlueMedicare Select (PPO)

BlueMedicare Value (PPO)

Cigna Preferred Medicare (HMO)

Cigna Preferred Savings Medicare (HMO)

Cigna True Choice Medicare (PPO)

Erickson Advantage Freedom (HMO-POS)

Erickson Advantage Liberty with Drugs (HMO-POS)

Erickson Advantage Signature with Drugs (HMO-POS)

Freedom Platinum Rewards Plan Rx (HMO)

Humana Gold Choice H8145-061 (PFFS)

Humana Gold Plus H1036-217 (HMO)

Humana Gold Plus H1036-278 (HMO)

HumanaChoice Florida H5216-072 (PPO)

HumanaChoice R5826-005 (Regional PPO)

HumanaChoice R5826-074 (Regional PPO)

Wellcare Giveback (HMO)

Wellcare No Premium (HMO)

Wellcare No Premium Open (PPO)

Wellcare Premium Enhanced Open (PPO)


Return to 2022 Medicare Advantage Plans in Florida

Columbia County Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage Health Plans Without Drug Coverage

2022 Medicare Special Needs Plans in Collier county Florida

Plan Name ⇅ Monthly
Part D
 Gap  Special Needs
Aetna Medicare Assure (HMO D-SNP) $27.30$480.0No Gap CoverageDual-Eligible
Aetna Medicare Assure Plus (HMO D-SNP) $27.70$480.0No Gap CoverageDual-Eligible
BlueMedicare Complete (HMO D-SNP) $34.30$480.0SomeDual-Eligible
Erickson Advantage Champion (HMO-POS C-SNP) $199.0$0Some GenericsChronic or Disabling Condition
Freedom Medi-Medi Full (HMO D-SNP) $34.30$480.0No Gap CoverageDual-Eligible
Freedom Medi-Medi Partial (HMO D-SNP) $34.30$480.0No Gap CoverageDual-Eligible
Freedom VIP Savings (HMO C-SNP) $0$0SomeChronic or Disabling Condition
Freedom VIP Savings COPD (HMO C-SNP) $0$0SomeChronic or Disabling Condition
Humana Gold Plus SNP-DE H1036-284 (HMO D-SNP) $17.80$480.0No Gap CoverageDual-Eligible
Humana Gold Plus SNP-DE H1036-285 (HMO D-SNP) $19.80$480.0No Gap CoverageDual-Eligible
Optimum Diamond Rewards (HMO C-SNP) $0$0No Gap CoverageChronic or Disabling Condition
Optimum Diamond Rewards COPD (HMO C-SNP) $0$0No Gap CoverageChronic or Disabling Condition
Optimum Emerald Full (HMO D-SNP) $34.30$480.0No Gap CoverageDual-Eligible
Optimum Emerald Partial (HMO D-SNP) $34.30$480.0No Gap CoverageDual-Eligible
UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete Choice (PPO D-SNP) $34.30$480.0No Gap CoverageDual-Eligible
UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete LP (HMO D-SNP) $34.30$480.0No Gap CoverageDual-Eligible
UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete RP (Regional PPO D-SNP) $31.50$480.0No Gap CoverageDual-Eligible
UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage Walgreens (HMO C-SNP) $0$150.0Some GenericsChronic or Disabling Condition
Wellcare Dual Access (HMO D-SNP) $32.30$480.0No Gap CoverageDual-Eligible
Wellcare Dual Liberty (HMO D-SNP) $34.30$480.0No Gap CoverageDual-Eligible
Wellcare Dual Select (HMO D-SNP) $34.30$480.0No Gap CoverageDual-Eligible

Plan Type Is the type of organization offering the Medicare Plan.

  • HMO - Health Maintenance Organization
  • PPO - Preferred Provider Organization
  • PDP - Prescription Drug Plan
  • SNP - Special Needs Plan
  • POS - Point of Service
  • PFFS - Private Fee For Service

Monthly Consolidated Premium (Includes Part C + D) Your premium may be lower depending on your eligibility for medical assistance. Call your provider for details.

Part D Total Premium: The Part D Total Premium is the sum of the Basic and Supplemental Premiums. Note: the Part D Total Premium is net of any Part A/B rebates applied to "buy down" the drug premium for Medicare Advantage; for some plans the total premium may be lower than the sum of the basic and supplemental premiums due to negative basic or supplemental premiums.

Benefit Type
  • (EA) Enhanced Alternative may offer additional gap coverage which is calculated as the percentage of generic formulary products with coverage above standard generic coverage gap cost-sharing benefit and/or the percentage of brand formulary products covered in addition to the coverage gap discount for applicable drugs.
  • (DS) Defined Standard Benefit
  • (BA) Basic Alternative
  • (AE) Actuarially Equivalent Standard

  • Many - Many Generics and Some Brands
  • Some - Some Generics and Few Brands

Maximum Out-of-Pocket (MOOP) limit on enrollee spending that includes costs for all in-network Part A and Part B Services. NOT Part D - prescription drugs. N/A is defined as Not Applicable

Source: CMS. Data as of September 1, 2021.
Plans are subject to change as contracts are finalized.
Includes 2022 approved contracts. Employer sponsored 800 series and plans under sanction are excluded. For 2022, enhanced alternative may offer additional cost sharing reductions in the gap on a sub-set of the formulary drugs, beyond the standard Part-D benefit.

      Site Search:

MedicareHelp.org is a privately-owned Non-governmental agency. The government website can be found at HealthCare.gov.

Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options. Enrollment depends on the plan’s contract renewal.

Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system.